Easy Digital Downloads PDF Vouchers
With the PDF Vouchers Extension, You can create unlimited vouchers, either for Local Businesses / Local Stores or even online stores.
After installing the extension, a Voucher section will be added to the Easy Digital Downloads Extensions tab.
Site Logo
Here you can upload a logo of your site. This logo will then be displayed on the Voucher as the Site Logo.
Export PDF File Name
Enter the PDF file name. This file name will be used when generate a PDF of purchased voucher codes. Available template tags are:
- displays the current dateExport CSV File Name
Enter the CSV file name. This file name will be used when generate a CSV of purchased voucher codes. Available template tags are:
- displays the current dateDownload PDF File Name
Enter the PDF file name. This file name will be used when users download a PDF of purchased voucher codes. Available template tags are:
- displays the current dateDownload Voucher Link Name
Enter the Download Voucher Link name. This name will be used on all pages where download link is shown. The available tags are:
- displays the download namePDF Template
Select PDF Template.
Multiple voucher
Check this box if you want to generate 1 pdf for 1 voucher code instead of creating 1 combined pdf for all vouchers.
Characters not displaying correctly?
Check this box to enable the characters support. Only do this if you have characters which do not display correctly (e.g. Greek characters).
Enable Relative Path
Check this box if you want to use a relative path instead of absolute path for loading images in voucher pdf.
Allow Redeem for Expired Vouchers
Check this box if you want to allow redeem voucher codes after expiration date.
Enable PDF Preview
Check this box if you wanted to preview pdf in browser instead of download pdf.
Disable Notification
Check this box to disable the vendor sale notification email.
Email Subject
Enter the subject line for the vendor sale notification email. Available template tags are:
- displays the site name{download_title}
- displays the download title{voucher_code}
- displays the voucher codeEmail Body
Enter the vendor email that is sent after completion of a purchase. HTML is accepted. Available template tags:
- displays the site name{download_title}
- displays the download title{voucher_code}
- displays the voucher codeDisable Notification
Check this box to disable the gift notification email.
Email Subject
Enter the subject line for Gift notification email. Available template tags are:
- displays the first name of customer{last_name}
- displays the last name of customer{recipient_name}
- displays the recipient nameEmail Body
Enter email that will be sent gift recipient user. HTML is accepted. Available template tags:
- displays the site name{last_name}
- displays the product title{recipient_name}
- displays the recipient name{recipient_message}
- displays the recipient message{voucher_link}
- displays the voucher download linkImportant: Voucher meta settings will only be appear if product type is default.
Enable Voucher Codes
To enable the Voucher for this download check the "Enable Voucher Codes" check box.
Voucher Recipient
Prints a customer-supplied recipient name to the voucher. If you enable Recipient Name, a "recipient" input will be available on the product page for the customer to enter a name.You can optionally enforce a maximum name length if desired, so that the name doesn't overrun on your pdf voucher. You can configure this field as required so a customer must supply a recipient name, or leave it optional.
Recipient Email
This field will automatically be displayed to the purchaser in order to deliver the voucher via email and allows vouchers to be easily purchased as gifts.
Recipient Message
Prints a customer-supplied message to the voucher. If you enable Recipient Message, a "message" input will be available on the product page for the customer to supply a custom message. You can optionally enforce a maximum length if desired, so that the message doesn't overrun on your pdf voucher. You can configure this field as required so a customer must supply a message, or leave it optional.
You can see a demo here:http://demo.wpweb.co.in/edd-pdf-vouchers/downloads/gift-voucher-simple-download/
Enable Template Selection
Check this box if you wanted to allow end users to select pdf template on the product page.
PDF Template
Select a PDF template. Leave it empty to use the template from the settings page.
Vendor User
Please select the vendor user.
Note : It will only list the "Vendor" role users.
Vendor's Logo
Allows you to upload a logo of the vendor for which this Voucher is valid. The logo will also be displayed on the PDF document.
Choose how you wanted to use vouchers codes.
if you set usability "one time only" then it will automatically set product quantity equal to number of voucher codes entered and it will automatically decrease quanity by 1 when it get purchased.
if you set usability "unlimited" then plugin will automatically generate unique voucher codes when product purchased.
Available Voucher Codes
Enter the amount of available voucher codes.
Voucher Codes
If you have a list of voucher codes you can copy and paste them in to this option. Make sure, that they are comma separated.
Generate / Import Codes
Here you can import a csv file with voucher codes or you can enter the prefix and pattern and extension will automatically create the voucher codes. When you click on the button "Generate / Import Codes" the popup would open which will look like as mentioned in image below :
Delete Existing Code :
Choose option yes if you want to delete existing voucher codes.
Number of Voucher Codes :
Enter number of voucher code you want to generate.
Submission :
Enter Prefix, Separator and Pattern of voucher code.
Prefix - Prefix Text to appear before the code.
Separator - Separator symbol which appear between prefix and code.
Pattern - Unique pattern for code. You can define a pattern using following characters.
L - Letter D - Digit
CSV Separator :
Enter CSV Separator.
CSV Enclosure :
Enter CSV Enclosure.
Upload File :
Upload CSV file to get voucher code from CSV.
Purchased Voucher Code
When you click on the button, then you'll see a list of purchased Voucher Codes for this download. If you want to get a list of all purchased Voucher codes from every download, then you can get that via Downloads > Voucher Codes > Purchased Voucher Codes tab. The image below is an example when you click on the button within the Meta Box settings. You also have then the ability to export these voucher codes as PDF or as CSV.
Used Voucher Code
When you click on the button, then you'll see a list of used Voucher Codes for this download. If you want to get a list of all used Voucher codes from every Product, then you can get that via Downloads > Voucher Codes > Used Voucher Codes tab. The image below is an example when you click on the button within the Meta Box settings. You also have then the ability to export these voucher codes as PDF or as CSV.
Expiration Date Type
Please select Expiration Date Type either specific time or set date based on purchased voucher date like After 7 days, 30 days, 1 year etc.
Start Date
If you want to make the Voucher Code(s) valid for a specific time only, you can enter an start date here. If the Voucher Code never expires, then leave that option blank.
Expiration Date
If you want to make the Voucher Code(s) valid for a specific time only, you can enter an expiration date here. If the Voucher Code never expires, then leave that option blank.
Vendor's Address
Here you can enter the complete Vendor's address. This will be displayed on the PDF document sent to the customers so that they know where to redeem this Voucher. Limited HTML is allowed.
Website URL
Enter the Vendor's website URL here. This will be displayed on the PDF document sent to the customer.
Redeem Instructions
Within this option you can enter instructions on how this Voucher can be redeemed. This instruction will then be displayed on the PDF document sent to the customer after successful purchase. Limited HTML is allowed.
If the Vendor of the Voucher has more than one location where the Voucher can be redeemed, then you can add all the locations within this option.
If you or the Vendor of this Voucher doesn't have a list of codes, the plugin will generate them for you. The amount of codes, the plugin generates is based on the "Number of Voucher Codes" settings. If you enter 100 there, then the plugin will generate 100 unique voucher codes. You only need to enter one code within the "Voucher Codes" option and then choose the option "More than one time" within the Usability settings. The plugin will then generate an unique Voucher code for each customer using the Name, Voucher Code you entered and the Order ID.
Example: If I enter Hello in to the voucher codes field and would then purchase a Voucher Code, the unique generated code would look like the following: WPWeb-Hello-1221 where 1221 would be the Order ID and would always be unique.
If you enter 5 different voucher codes within the voucher codes option and choose the option "Only one time" within the Usability settings then the plugin will automatically set the available vouchers based on the number of codes you entered.
Important: You need to enter at least one code within the voucher codes option and then based on your settings, the plugin will generate the unique codes.
The plugin adds a new Admin menu found under the Easy Digital Downloads menu and named "Voucher Templates". From here, you can create as many voucher templates as you want with Drag & Drop interface. Plugin will automatically create 5 templates on plugin activation. Click this to see a list of voucher templates:
You can see a demo here: http://demo.wpweb.co.in/edd-pdf-vouchers/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=eddvouchers
Existing email templates will look like as mentioned in the image below :
you can add a new voucher template by clicking the "Add new" button, which brings you to the Voucher Template Add/Edit Screen. From the Add/Edit screen you can configure your voucher template data.
Background Style
Choose the background style for the PDF Voucher like background pattern, background image or background color.
Background Pattern
Select background pattern for the PDF.
Background Image
Upload the background image for the PDF.
Background Color
Select background color for the PDF.
Select voucher pdf view like landscape or portrait.
PDF Size
Select PDF Size For PDF page size.
Size | Landscape | Portrait | ||||||
Inches | Pixel | Inches | Pixel | |||||
Width | Height | Width | Height | Width | Height | Width | Height | |
A0 | 46.81 | 33.11 | 4494 | 3179 | 33.11 | 46.81 | 3179 | 4494 |
A1 | 33.11 | 23.39 | 3179 | 2245 | 23.39 | 33.11 | 2245 | 3179 |
A2 | 23.39 | 16.54 | 2245 | 1587 | 16.54 | 23.39 | 1587 | 2245 |
A3 | 16.54 | 11.69 | 1588 | 1123 | 11.69 | 16.54 | 1123 | 1588 |
A4 | 11.69 | 8.27 | 1123 | 794 | 8.27 | 11.69 | 794 | 1123 |
A5 | 8.27 | 5.83 | 794 | 560 | 5.83 | 8.27 | 560 | 794 |
A6 | 5.83 | 4.13 | 560 | 397 | 4.13 | 5.83 | 397 | 560 |
A7 | 4.13 | 2.91 | 397 | 280 | 2.91 | 4.13 | 280 | 397 |
A8 | 2.91 | 2.05 | 280 | 197 | 2.05 | 2.91 | 197 | 280 |
Margin Top
Enter the margin top for the PDF, please set margin in pixel.
Margin Bottom
Enter the margin bottom for the PDF, please set margin in pixel.
Margin Left
Enter the margin left for the PDF, please set margin in pixel.
Margin Right
Enter the margin right for the PDF, please set margin in pixel.
You can preview a voucher, complete with dummy data so you can easily see what your voucher PDF looks like before putting it up for sale. Note that you must save or update the voucher to see any changes in the voucher template Preview:
You can easily duplicate any Voucher Template you created with just one click. After clicking on the "Duplicate" link, the plugin will create a draft of the chosen Voucher Template, including all content and settings.
On the frontend the product voucher options will be shown on the download page, for instance a Recipient Name, Recipient Email, Recipient Message options might look like this:
Demo: http://demo.wpweb.co.in/edd-pdf-vouchers/downloads/gift-voucher-simple-download/
The voucher PDF will be generated and available for download from the customers "Purchase Confirmation" page or from purchase order emails where a normal downloadable download would be available for download.
Once a voucher order is placed and access is granted to the voucher, you manage it like any other order, and according to your particular business procedures. File access can be viewed and managed as with any standard downloadable product. Additionally a new panel named Voucher Details will be added to the standard Easy Digital Downloads Order admin; for orders containing a product voucher the vendor logo, product title, voucher code, voucher data, expire date and quantity will be displayed:
In some cases, an administrator may need to download a voucher. A "Download" link appears in the Edit Order screen within the Vouchers meta box after the voucher is generated. Vouchers are generated when order status is updated to processing or complete.
All Purchased and Used voucher codes list kept and available for viewing from Downloads > Voucher Codes.
Here you can see the list of all purchased voucher codes with the details like Download Information, Buyer's Information and Payment Information. You can also export this data as CSV or PDF as well.
Note :when vendor user login, he can also access this page but he can view only purchased voucher products which are assigned to him.
Demo: http://demo.wpweb.co.in/edd-pdf-vouchers/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-vou-codes
Here you can see the list of all used voucher codes with the details like Download Information, Buyer's Information, Payment Information and Redeem Information. You can also export this data as CSV or PDF as well.
Note :
when vendor user login, he can also access this page but he can view only used voucher products which are assigned to him.
Here you can see the list of all unused/expired voucher products and with the details of expired voucher codes, Download Information, Buyer's Information, Order's Information. You can also export this data as CSV or PDF as well.
Note :
When vendor user login, he can also access this page but he can view only expired voucher products which are assigned to him.
To integrate the "Check Voucher Code" Page on frontend into any page or post you can use the [edd_vou_check_code] shortcode. After inserted shortcode it will look something like the one shown in the image below on frontend:
When you enter valid voucher code, it will display product information with option to redeem the voucher code as mentioned in the image below:
Demo: http://demo.wpweb.co.in/edd-pdf-vouchers/check-voucher-code/
The PDF voucher file is generated at the time when the customer is granted access to downloadable files for the order, so it's not generated immediately at purchase. Typically this would happen when the order status is set to "complete".
Once a voucher is generated, it will be attached and linked to from the standard customer order receipt emails, and available for download from the customer's My Account view order page, as well as the order Thank You page.
If the optional "Recipient Email" field is enabled, a separate email will also be sent to the email address supplied by the customer, and is perfect for vouchers that can be sent as gifts. This will be sent at the same time as the customer email, so vouchers are only sent to recipients for processing or completed orders.
You can view a demo of the EDD PDF Vouchers plugin here: EDD PDF Vouchers Demo